Shelob's Lair


- Power: 9V center-negative power supply
- Input Impedance: 1MΩ
- Output Impedance: 100Ω
- True Bypass
- Top mounted jack
- Handmade in Michigan


The 2 Stroke Beaver/Shelob's Lair is a roided opamp big muff with a 5 band eq, 8 clipping options, and a footswitchable HM2 tone stack with internal trimmers. There's also a blend knob on the side for you bassists that need a world ending fuzz. Need to shake your house down? This fuzz is for you


Level: Fuzz volume
Sustain: Fuzz gain
Blend: Controls ratio of dry and clean signal
Chainsaw: Switches eq from 5-band eq to hm2 eq
EQ bands: 100Hz, 250Hz, 500Hz, 1KHz, 3KHz
Clippig Settings: Open, 2 x Silicon (Symmetrical), 4 x Silicon (Symmetrical), LED and Silicon (Asymmetrical), 2 x LED (Symmetrical), 3 x LED (Asymmetrical), 4 x LED (Symmetrical), and 6 x LED (Symmetrical)